
This is a story, in images and words, about the journey of healing after a heart attack.

In September 2000, I woke up from a dream of a malfunctioning red four-cylinder engine with these words in my head—you have heart problems.

In February 2001, from out of the blue, I experienced dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing and chest pain. The world turned gray, and I had an emergency stent placed in my heart.

In November 2005, I experienced a massive heart attack and had to be medically evacuated by jet from Fairbanks to Anchorage.

Six weeks later, in desperation from depression, I began drawing and painting on the computer, inspired by images that came to me.

I had no previous experience making art.

Over the next nine months, I completed a series of 27 paintings.

In February 2007, something in me decided to spend the next forty days reviewing the paintings and posting a daily comment about them on a blog.

Each day I wrestled with how to express how the heart attack had affected me, and then finally posted an illustrative image and a short commentary.

In that intense process of thinking, painting, and writing, a profound spiritual awareness slowly emerged, transforming my perception of myself and the world around me.

This is the story of that alchemical transformation.